Blog – Thank Codes Free Gift Card Code Generator Tue, 26 Dec 2017 20:00:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog – Thank Codes 32 32 Free Gift Cards Online Tue, 26 Dec 2017 20:00:18 +0000 It is true that many people who see the advertisements online think that they are scams. The fact is that many really do deliver free things or nearly free things to the people that take the time to complete them. Among the most common freebies are gift cards. They are practical and deliver purchasing power […]

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It is true that many people who see the advertisements online think that they are scams. The fact is that many really do deliver free things or nearly free things to the people that take the time to complete them. Among the most common freebies are gift cards. They are practical and deliver purchasing power in an easy to mail form. The result can be a wonderful reward for near nothing or something that you already had to do anyway.

So, how do you plan to get those gift cards? A very good place to start may be with one of the many sites that take the time to collect and sort through the copious offers on the internet and present you with the ones that consider to be the tops. These sites can save you time by presenting only valid offers. If you find a site that collects only or a lot of what you are interested in you can really make the most of your time.

How else can you approach the task? Consider searching for yourself. You may want to use this search engine since they give away gift cards. Now, search for the gift cards that you want. Search using the two major classifications. Search for gift cards that can be used in the stores that you want to shop in, or search for gift cards that can be used on the brands or products that you want to buy. It may sound simple, but that is because it is sort of, and when you use the link above you will know that the more you search the more you earn.

Now, you have probably found more offers than you actually want to go through in one day. The next step, how do you decide which ones to complete and which not to.

You can begin by setting some limits. How does that work? That is a very good question. Much of the question is based on your budget. For example begin by classifying the offers. Some are free or almost free. These you will likely want to complete if you are interested in the gift card that is being given away or if you know someone that may be interested. The next set of offers requires a bit more. These may actually require you to purchase items, but the items are something that you have been needing or planning to purchase anyway. This means you will have to give something up, but you will not be giving up anything you did not already plan to.

The next set of gift card giveaways involves a lot from you. You may have to purchase things that you would not normally purchase or you may have to complete things that take reasonable time for you. In any case these offers are clearly in the investment category. It represents a drain on you, but a drain that could historically pay-off value-wise. The category is the offers that really you will probably never want to complete. These offers typically require more from you than the value of the gift card that you receive. These are simply a bad idea value-wise.

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Free Gift Cards – Are They For Real? (Free Gift Cards Fully Explained) Sat, 23 Dec 2017 19:37:59 +0000 You want an explanation of free gift cards? So do I! Few know why the cards are offered, even fewer care! Not really, just kidding. You better believe free gift cards are for real! They are an important part of many successful online marketing campaigns. These free offers allow sellers to lure in huge amounts […]

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You want an explanation of free gift cards? So do I! Few know why the cards are offered, even fewer care!

Not really, just kidding.

You better believe free gift cards are for real! They are an important part of many successful online marketing campaigns. These free offers allow sellers to lure in huge amounts of people who are interested in their products.

In fact an entire industry has sprung up to promote gift cards. There are many companies who do nothing else online but promote cards to hundreds of thousands of web surfers. Additionally, there are many so-called affiliates (people) who drive an insane amount of traffic to the offer websites in return for a commission.

Why do they do this? Savvy marketers know that people are drawn to free offers, everyone likes to get something for free, especially something which they consider has value. The caveat is, to get the free stuff you will need to at least provide your shipping and email information and at most provide contact info, including your phone number, physical address, email, DOB, etc.

This actually is not a bad thing for you, the free offer is a two way street, you get a gift card for the item, store or event of your choice while the merchant gets your email address and contact information. This contact information can later be used to continue marketing to you. So called "permission based marketing."

Permission based marketing was created in order for the seller to be in compliance with federal and state laws in response to the flood of Spam hitting everyone's email accounts. When you sign up for the free card you also give the offeror your permission to send marketing materials to your email address. This really is not a bad thing as you can opt out of their marketing process at any time just by clicking the unsubscribe button at the end of each email.

For those of you who still have qualms about completing the free offer form, try a low dollar amount card first. This will give you a taste of what it's like, if this is not your cup of tea then you've lost nothing but gained some wisdom.

Remember, to get your free gift card you must go through the entire card offer program, from start to finish. Once you complete the free card program you should receive your free gift card within 30-60 days.

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Totally Free Gift Cards – Get Your Gift Card Completely Free Wed, 20 Dec 2017 19:09:04 +0000 I used to be skeptical about everything I found on the internet. I figured if it sounded too good to be true then it was. Until I happened on a site that offered me totally free gift cards from real department stores. I did not really believe it, but all I had to do was […]

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I used to be skeptical about everything I found on the internet. I figured if it sounded too good to be true then it was. Until I happened on a site that offered me totally free gift cards from real department stores. I did not really believe it, but all I had to do was answer a few questions, so I went ahead and answered them. I figured this was not going to fleece me or anything, and would only take a few minutes, besides I did not have anything else to do.

The questions being asked were purely of a marketing nature and were just click -yes- or -no- types of questions. They were questions like: "what do you think our customer service is like?" Egypt, "which bottle type do you like best?" These questions did not take more than ten minutes and I had the time, and the curiosity, so I continued. The questionnaire was even fun, and brave me something to do. I finished and did not think much of it, did not even expect to really get a gift card, but a week later, I actually got a totally free gift certificate in the mail. It was a gift from the company for answering their marketing questions.

Wow! I could not believe that I had actually gotten a card and this was a decent gift card too. What do you think I did? I immediately went back to the site and started answering and filling out more forms, so that I could get more completely free gifts from department stores, restaurants and the like. I only spent about an hour or so every other day doing this, and I received some very nice gift certificates for my effort and participation.

So, what do you need to get these totally free gift cards? Not much! All you have to do is go to the site answer their questions, fill out their forms and don't lie. Answer the questions as truthfully as possible, or you risk not getting anything. You will also need a valid email address. You can use your personal email, or you can open a new email account for your gift card participation. Cards are out there, and they are free, but you do have to participate to get them. These are all valid cards, and many are very nice gift certificates that can be as much as $ 500.

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What You Need to Know About Gift Cards and the Law Sun, 17 Dec 2017 19:02:19 +0000 Gift cards are the quintessential easy gift idea. Everybody uses them, and they avoid questions like “Will this fit her?” or “Will he like this?” Gift cards and gift certificates are available from all sorts of stores, ranging from the mundane like grocery stores and drug stores to more specialized businesses like spas and travel […]

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Gift cards are the quintessential easy gift idea. Everybody uses them, and they avoid questions like “Will this fit her?” or “Will he like this?” Gift cards and gift certificates are available from all sorts of stores, ranging from the mundane like grocery stores and drug stores to more specialized businesses like spas and travel agencies. No matter where you purchase or receive a card from, however, it is important to protect yourself as a consumer and be familiar with your rights surrounding gift card use. After all, these are used as form of currency and ought to be treated as frugally as one would treat cash.

What can I do with a gift card I don’t want?

There are a lot of options for putting gift cards you don’t want to good use. There are websites that exist for the sole purpose of buying and selling gift cards. Gift Card Granny, for example, will buy your card for 60%-80% of its value. You can also sell your card on a website like Craigslist or eBay. Other websites like Gift Card Swapping allow you to trade your gift card for one you’ll actually use.

If you’re feeling charitable, many nonprofits, including local schools and churches, will accept gift cards as donations. Gift cards are also great for re-gifting. There’s no reason to let any gift card sit around and be forgotten!

Can my gift card expire? Can I lose the balance on my gift card?

The short answer: It depends on what state you live in.

The long answer: It depends on what state you live in, and the extent to which your state is complying with federal law.

In 2009, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act [] passed into federal law. The act covers a lot of ground surrounding the protection of credit cardholders, but it also created some federal standards for gift card issuers that are intended to protect consumers. These include requiring that cards, with a few exceptions, expire no less than five years after issuance and that dormancy fees can only be charged after one year of inactivity and only if these fees are fully disclosed to consumers. According to the CARD Act, stores are allowed to begin charging dormancy fees – meaning, a charge to keep the card active when it has not been used after a certain amount of time – after one year of inactivity, and no more than one charge per month. Eventually, these charges may deplete the value of the card. This is an important way stores and major card issuers like American Express make money. However, some states have introduced additional, and sometimes contradictory, legislation surrounding gift card law.

For example, New York law allows stores to begin charging monthly dormancy fees after just one year of inactivity. It is also legal for stores to charge a replacement fee for lost cards, and they do not require stores to give cash back for small balances on cards. Additionally, after five years cards are deemed “abandoned” and the balance of the card is forfeited to the state. Other states, like New Jersey, establish abandonment after as little as two years of inactivity. (In New Jersey’s case, this policy has been deemed unconstitutional, so the state remains in flux between enforcing the overturned state standard and the federal standard.) Such provisions, which remove the profit for card sellers that comes with unused cards, have caused major issuers like American Express to pull out of grocery and convenience stores in some states.

For comparison, California grants gift card users with protection beyond the federal standard. Cards are never allowed to expire, even after five years, and dormancy fees can only be charged after two years of inactivity and only if the balance on the card is less than $5.

A good resource for finding the specific laws in your state can be found here. Because not all card issuers or states are in compliance with the federal law, consumers should be conscientious about reading the terms of the card. Generally, it’s smart to try to spend cards as soon as possible to avoid forgetting about them, and to use the full balance of the card.

What if there’s only a little money left on my card?

You may be able to get your balance in cash. Under the CARD Act, most businesses are required to provide cash for the remaining balance on a card if the balance is less than $5. (In some states, this minimum value is higher.) Of course, businesses often fail to train their front-of-the-line staff on this law, so you may need to escalate through the ranks to find someone actually informed of the law.

What should I know about online gift cards?

Online “gift certificate” sites that offer deals like Groupon and LivingSocial fall into a somewhat gray area of the law. Generally, they are treated as coupons rather than gift cards, meaning they are able to generally set their own terms when it comes to expiration dates and redemption policies. Groupon, for example, requires that stores honor the value a customer paid for a deal after the deal has expired, but only as a store credit.

Virtual cards, such as the popular Amazon or iTunes cards that are often sent via email, do not usually expire. Sometimes they can be redeemed only online and not at brick-and-mortar stores, so read the terms of the card carefully. Otherwise, they are subject to the same laws as tangible cards; for example, Amazon includes the required language to indicate that cash refunds are only available where “required by applicable state law,” although it does not give information on how to go about claiming small balances in cash.

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Free Gift Card – How Can They Afford to Give Away Free Gift Cards of $25 to $1,500 & More Free? Thu, 14 Dec 2017 18:12:09 +0000 Many web surfers scratch their heads when they see a get a free $500 gift card offer on the web. They ask “How can they afford to give away free gift cards of $25 – $1,500 or more to thousands of people?” Many of the free gift card offers are presented by compilers/aggregators who have […]

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Many web surfers scratch their heads when they see a get a free $500 gift card offer on the web. They ask “How can they afford to give away free gift cards of $25 – $1,500 or more to thousands of people?”

Many of the free gift card offers are presented by compilers/aggregators who have contracts with many companies to provide targeted web traffic to their customers sales pages. As a result of sending traffic to the designated sales or sign up pages the sender receives a commission or a fee for each potential customer or group of customers who land on their clients web pages.

Additionally, the compiler/aggregator generates revenue by selling the contact info – names & email addresses or names & home addresses – to other business for a nice profit.

Think of it this way: when you make a purchase at what comes up at the bottom of the page? A statement indicating others who have purchased what you have purchased also purchased the following _______. A similar process is at work here, the compiler knows that you were brought in on a free $250 Visa card offer- which makes you a targeted prospect for a Visa credit card or another Visa product.

Keep in mind that when you signed up with your email address to enter the offer page you also indicated that you understand and agree to their privacy policy and terms and conditions. Part of the terms and conditions is that the y can sell your info to other parties. This is why it is important not to use your primary personal and work accounts for these types of offers as you may begin receiving 10s or 100s of sales offer emails per week.

Anyway, having gotten the basic info out of the way on to the offer completion process itself. As you’ll notice when reviewing free gift card offers most of them include a participation required or upon program completion statement. This simply means that you will be required to complete or opt in to anywhere from 3 to 18 or more what are called “Sponsor Offers” in order to receive your $ giftcard.

The greater the $ amount of the card obviously the bigger the amount of offers you will need to complete. The free offer people are in business to make money, they have just figured out how to do it without having you actually spend money with them. The initial participation process should take anywhere from 10 minutes to more than an hour for larger $ amounts.

If time is a concern to you think about it this way: if you break the dollar amount into the number of hours you spent to complete the program requirements it comes out to a lot more than you’re making per hour at your regular job.

What are participation requirements? Participation requirements usually are other programs which the aggregator wants you to sign up for, they will present you with a choice of offers which they ask you to sign up for and complete their individual participation requirements. Yes, you will get your $100, $250, $500 or $1,500 gift card only if you successfully complete all of the participation requirements. So pay attention to the participation requirements, dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s and do not cancel before the participation requirements allow you to.

Some of the programs you sign up for may require that you whip out your credit card and lay down some cold hard cash (for S & H, one month’s membership, free trial, etc.). Viewing it from the 10,000 foot level – so what? The gift card amount you receive will more than cover this cold hard cash and your time.

IMPORTANT! Make sure you read and follow all the program requirements completely, don’t shortcut anything. If you do not complete all program requirements – no gift card! As the old saying states “You gotta pay to play!”

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How to Earn Gift Cards With MyPoints Mon, 11 Dec 2017 17:41:59 +0000 One of the benefits of using online is the MyPoints program. If you have a penchant for shopping online, you can register to this program and earn enough points to get a free card. One point to consider is to redeem it for a gift card. You can use your gift card to pay for […]

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One of the benefits of using online is the MyPoints program. If you have a penchant for shopping online, you can register to this program and earn enough points to get a free card.

One point to consider is to redeem it for a gift card. You can use your gift card to pay for your purchases as you shop. This is a preloaded card that does not accrue interest rates. You use it as you please until the money is all exhausted.

Here is a way for you to accrue points and earn gift cards:

Step 1: If you already have a credit card, you can register to a MyPoints program. Ask your card provider how you can register to this program. You can also visit the online site and fill out some of the necessary information such as your name, email address and so on. Once you have already filled out the information needed, you can send the form and you will receive an email where you will need to confirm your registration.

Step 2: After confirmation, go back to the page and complete your profile. Completing your profile will earn you your first points. You will receive special offers and emails. Some may even require you to answer a few surveys where you will also earn whooping points.

Step 3: How you will earn points will depend on you. Go over the website and find which point-learning methods will work well for you. Like what I mentioned, some will allow you to answer surveys and questionnaires. Some may require you to enter contests and many more. What is great about this is that it is legitimate and you can do this during your free time.

Step 4: Know the affiliate stores, retailers and online shopping sites of this program. Whenever you shop for anything in those affiliates shops, you can automatically ear points. You can also see your progress. Every time you shop, you can see points added.

Step 5: Get your friends in the same program. This way, you can earn points too. This is a quick way to help them get started.

Step 6: Once you have already received points good enough to redeem (usually up to 1,500 points) you can already exchange it for a gift card. Redeem the card in some stores such as Walgreens, Amazon and even Target. Once you have already claimed the card, you can now use it to shop.

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Gift Cards 4 Free – Quick Way to Get a Free Gift Card Fri, 08 Dec 2017 16:39:02 +0000 Today it is "in style" to be thrifty. People are always looking for ways to be thrifty, save money and still enjoy going out or going shopping. I have been thrifty for years and even a few years ago I turned to the internet to look for a way to save money. Now I have […]

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Today it is "in style" to be thrifty. People are always looking for ways to be thrifty, save money and still enjoy going out or going shopping. I have been thrifty for years and even a few years ago I turned to the internet to look for a way to save money. Now I have become the Internet money saving expert, and one of the best ways to save money is to get these gift cards 4 free. Getting gift cards online is not a scam, it is actually a really good way to save money. In a way you are working when you are soliciting one of these gift cards, because you have to answer detailed questions and fill out a few forms.

These questions are never difficult and are just marketing questions. You will be asked things like: "Do you like the square packaging or the round packaging?" "When you open the refrigerator what products do you notice the most?" The purpose of these questions is so that the company or the manufacturer understands how a consumer shops and what he is looking for. So in a way it is a job, but it is a fun job, and one you can do in your spare time.

How many cards can you get? Well, it really depends on how much you participate. This is not a full time job, but it is something fun to do, and if you spend a few hours a week at it, then you will soon be going to restaurants and paying less, if anything at all. You will be able to purchase those items you need, but have not bought for a lack of cash. These cards come in many denominations, they can range from just a few dollars, to a $ 100 or $ 500 gift card. The $ 100 or $ 500 gift card are not any more difficult to get than the free gift cards for lesser amounts, but they may take a little more participation.

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How to Find Free Gift Cards Online? Tue, 05 Dec 2017 06:22:46 +0000 Searching for free gift cards is not something that most people think possible online. What is the reason a company give you something for free? In fact, you will rarely find something for nothing but there are opportunities that you can get legitimate free gift cards online. There are many great companies like Amazon, Best […]

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Searching for free gift cards is not something that most people think possible online. What is the reason a company give you something for free? In fact, you will rarely find something for nothing but there are opportunities that you can get legitimate free gift cards online. There are many great companies like Amazon, Best Buy and Victoria Secrets that are giving out free gift cards for promotion or a reward to help completing surveys.

It is often simple to sign up for these types of marketing campaigns. You select a gift card offer that you find interested and to sign up for the offer. Usually you need to submit your name, email, and address. Such information is required so that the gift card can be sent to you. Neverheless, you will not know exactly what and how long the surveys are going to be until you actually sign up for the offer.

You should keep in mind one thing when signing up for free gift card offers. Certain personal information, such as your name and mail address are necessary to participate in the campaigns. However, if you are asked to provide you bank account, credit card or any other financial information, there is a high probability that you are being scammed. You should understand that there is a big difference between asking you to fill out a survey then give you a free gift card or surveys then you give out sensitive financial personal information. If the offer is totally free there should be no reason to provide credit card information.

How to avoid scam when joining free gift card campaign?

Remember the fundamental concept of If it is too good to be true, probably it is !. Below are some of the rules that you bought to keep in mind that will help you stay away from any scams when joining for free offers.

The no.1 rule is never ever give out any of your sensitive financial information. There is no reason to submit your credit card number or bank account information no matter what the prizes are or what are the undering reasons of the campaign. If you are asked to provide sensitive financial information it is more likely that you are being scammed.

The second rule is that if you are told to download something to progress with the offer, keep in mind not to download! There are risk that what you are downloading is riddled with spy-ware or computer virus. Be reminded to apply the common sense, why do you need to download something in order to complete an free offer?

The third rule is simple and straightforward. Never buy something in return to get a gift card that is claimed to be "free". If you need to buy something in return, it is not free actually.

Where to find legitimate free gift card offer online?

Spend time to do some online research first before you decide to join an offer, if there are many negative comments out there, stay away from that. By observing the rules as mentioned above you will be protected from scams. To learn more about how to find legitimate free offers, you are suggested to visit

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Gift Card Question – Using Visa or American Express Gift Cards on PayPal Sat, 02 Dec 2017 05:02:13 +0000 One of the most popular gift card questions online is whether one can link prepaid gift cards like the Visa gift card to a PayPal account. The short answer is Yes and No. Now, the long answer: Yes, it is possible to link a prepaid gift card like the Visa or American Express gift card […]

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One of the most popular gift card questions online is whether one can link prepaid gift cards like the Visa gift card to a PayPal account. The short answer is Yes and No.

Now, the long answer: Yes, it is possible to link a prepaid gift card like the Visa or American Express gift card to a PayPal account but for this to happen, you need to pray and hope that PayPal does not require you to go through their Expanded Use verification process. To better understand why, you first need to be familiar with the process for linking a credit card to a PayPal account. When you link your credit card to a PayPal account, PayPal will attempt to confirm your address with your credit card company. If the credit card company is not able to confirm your address, then you may be asked by PayPal to complete their Expanded Use enrollment process in order to activate your credit card.

Expanded Use verification means PayPal will charge your credit card a small about. Next to the charge will be a unique, randomly generated 4-digit Expanded Use code. If you have online access to your credit card activity, the charge and code will appear on your card activity in approximately 2-4 business days. If you do not have online access, you must wait until you receive your statement in the mail to get the 4-digit code. If you are adding a debit card to your PayPal account, your 4-digit Expanded Use code will be printed on your bank statement next to the charge.

Once you get the 4-digit code, you have to return to your PayPal account to enter the code per instructions from PayPal. Once completed, and PayPal confirms that you entered the correct code, you will now be able to use the card for PayPal transactions. The Expanded Use verification process is designed to protect you against fraud by verifying that the person attempting to use the credit card actually owns the card. PayPal will later credit the amount charged to your card to your PayPal account.

Now, here lies the problem with using prepaid or bank issued gift cards. If PayPal is unable to verify your address with the gift card issuer, then you may be asked to go through the Expanded Use process. Since most prepaid gift cards do not issue monthly statements or provide online access to gift card transactions, it will be impossible to complete the Expanded Use process. Also, it is not a good idea to call the credit card or gift card issuer to get the 4-digit Expanded Use code. If PayPal receives a complaint from your card issuer that you called them to get the 4-digit code, PayPal will close your account permanently.

So, the first step to attempting to use a prepaid gift card on PayPal is to make sure the name and address (billing address) on your PayPal account matches the name and address on file with the gift card issuer. If you just purchased your prepaid gift card, call the card issuer and add your name and address to the card. If your information (name and address) has changed since you registered your card, call the card issuer or go online and update your information before you use the card on PayPal.

Once this is done, you just have to hope that PayPal is able to successfully verify your address with the gift card issuer. If they are able to verify your address, then you are all set. If they cannot verify your address with the card issuer, then you probably will not be able to use that gift card on PayPal.

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Are Gift Cards the Best Gift? Wed, 29 Nov 2017 04:21:54 +0000 January’s retail sales strength is reflected in people redeeming their Christmas gift cards. The average adult received 3.2 gift cards this holiday season, up from 2.5 gift cards last year. Gift cards are more popular and this also moves spending into January. Consumers are also interested in receiving gift cards at other times that just […]

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January’s retail sales strength is reflected in people redeeming their Christmas gift cards. The average adult received 3.2 gift cards this holiday season, up from 2.5 gift cards last year. Gift cards are more popular and this also moves spending into January. Consumers are also interested in receiving gift cards at other times that just at Christmas.

A survey by Deloitte & Touche USA found:

  • 80% of adults received at least one gift card to an apparel or food store
  • 33% received at least one gift card to a restaurant
  • 14% received one gift card to a mall or shopping center
  • 10% received a gift card that could be used at a variety of stores (e.g., an American Express gift card)
  • 5% received at least one for a personal service such as a manicure or massage
  • 5% received at least one gift card for an Internet site (e.g., ebay, Amazon)

Price ranges for gift cards ranged from $78 for an American Express card, while the lowest was for a $32 restaurant card. Bank gift cards are more likely to be used in January. Nearly 74% of these gift cards have been redeemed or partially redeemed by the end of January.

People were more likely to buy full price retail items with their gift cards. Many analysts believe the “gift” aspect allows consumers to treat themselves to new full-priced merchandise.

Retailers also benefit when consumers redeem a gift card, nearly 62% spend more than the face value of the card. This is an opportunity for retailers to increase sales, as sales cannot be reported until the gift card is redeemed.

Consumers also expressed an interest in receiving gift cards for other holidays. For example, a gift card for an “experience” is widely received as a result of people being time-pressed. Getting a gift card for a trip to a restaurant or massage or even a weekend getaway seems to be a trend people are enjoying.

Teens enjoy gift cards because they are more eager to shop with their friends and are more apt to redeem their cards quicker than adults. The survey showed teens redeemed 76% of their gift cards vs. 61% of adults.

Gift cards keep on giving, after the holidays, especially for retailers. Gift cards are here to stay. Consumers enjoy using them and retailers enjoy getting them. Gift cards are an appropriate gift for all occasions.

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Your Gift Cards Questions Answered Sun, 26 Nov 2017 03:59:21 +0000 Gift cards have become a great way to give someone a present. This is especially true if you do not know what the person likes or desires. Some people are hard to buy a present for. They seem to always purchase the things they want beforehand. They are also a great way to give children […]

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Gift cards have become a great way to give someone a present. This is especially true if you do not know what the person likes or desires. Some people are hard to buy a present for. They seem to always purchase the things they want beforehand.

They are also a great way to give children a card that teachers them responsibility. Think of it has a present or gift that is perfect for just about any occasion and does not come with the hassle of sorting through the shelves at your local store to find that present that or she may not actually enjoy.

This lets the recipient pick out what they want and when they want it. If you are unsure about what is one, what types there are and just how to use them, then this article is for you. We will cover the basics of the present card world and even tackle some of the etiquette questions that might arise.

If I give a gift card, is it considered inappropriate?

When they started to become available, many etiquette books and columns declared them 'tacky' because it was not a personalized gift.

It is an appropriate present because it can be used in any way the recipient desires. It can be used at a variety of stores and online websites. It is a great present to give someone if you are not sure of what they need, want or like.

Where can I use a prepaid gift card?

You can use a prepaid one, whether a regular present card from a store or a prepaid credit card, anywhere that you want. If the card is from a particular store then you must use it to purchase items there. If it is a prepaid credit card then you can use it where the logo on the front, such as Visa or Mastercard, is accepted.

Can I get my recipient's name put on the present card?

Most store gift cards do not allow you to put the recipient's name on the card. If you opt for a prepaid credit card then the person can elect to put their name on the front. This helps ensure that if it were lost or stolen, the person would not be held liable for fraudulent charges. There is usually a form to fill out but there is not a credit check.

What do I do if I lose my prepaid gift card?

If you have a prepaid credit card / gift card then the issuing company will replace the card for usually no additional charges. Many also offer protections against fraudulent purchases if you let them know the minute, or as soon as possible, that you have lost your card.

Regular gift cards are the responsibility of the owner and the issuing store will not refund your card should you happen to lose it. This is why many people are choosing to give prepaid credit cards as gift cards as an extra means of security.

Can I add money to a gift card that someone else has given me?

That is the great thing about them. Unlike present certificates, a gift card can be reused. If you run low on funds and you know that you will shop there often, add money to the card. Gift cards can be a great way to control your budget by letting you know exactly how much you can spend in a given month on certain purchases.

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Gift Cards – Take the Hassle Out of Gift Buying Thu, 23 Nov 2017 03:52:20 +0000 Gift cards have taken a lot of the guesswork out of the gift giving process. Before they were invented finding the perfect gift was often a worrisome task. Without you knew something very specific that the recipient liked you just had to wing it and hope for the best. This claimed in a lot of […]

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Gift cards have taken a lot of the guesswork out of the gift giving process. Before they were invented finding the perfect gift was often a worrisome task. Without you knew something very specific that the recipient liked you just had to wing it and hope for the best. This claimed in a lot of people receiving cash, which is a total impersonal, but practical, gift.

If you are buying a gift for someone, you usually know a little something about them. Knowing specific likes and dislikes is no longer required. General knowledge is enough to buy a card for any particular person.

For instance, if you know someone who is into sports and outdoor activities a card to Dick's or Academy Sports would be a good idea. They can take the card and buy whatever they need. For women, a card from a store like Bath and Body Works, Macy's, or Linen and Things would be a good idea. Places such as spa's and department stores are also options.

Restaurant cards are great gifts for people who eat lunch out every day. Anything to help save money these days is appreciated. Burger king, Olive Garden, and Chili's are places you may want to check out if this is an appropriate gift for one of your recipients.

Some other places that offer gift cards are:

o Wal-mart and Target
o Movie theaters
o Bookstores
o Grocery stores
o Building supply stores

Giving someone a card from one of the above places will appeal if they have a practical nature. It is also a good idea for a family gift. They will appreciate the fact that they can use the card in different locations and for whatever is necessary. Another advantage cards from these places offer is ease of use for online procurement.

If you wanted to, you could do your gift gift buying at one place. Wal-mart has a section full of cards for different establishments. They have restaurant cards, movie store rental cards, and even cards from other stores.

Gift cards even come with their own envelopes that are geared to certain holidays or milestones. This is just a little something extra that makes the gift more special. You can also put the card into a pretty bag for an added personal touch.

While truly personal gifts geared towards a specific interest of the recipient are best, they are not always possible. Gift cards are another option that will still show how much you care. It lets the person know you were thinking about them and their likes. That you wanted the gift to be something they would get use out of and that was versatile. The person you are buying the gift for is sure to be happy, and you've taken some of the hassle out of the gift buying process.

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The Amazon Kindle Store Mon, 20 Nov 2017 03:44:47 +0000 The Amazon Kindle Store is the place to find reading material for your Kindle. You can also purchase a number of accessories and gift cards. Kindle Devices Within the store there are a number of devices available, from Amazon's original wireless Kindle to the latest designs, including the Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device. Kindle Accessories […]

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The Amazon Kindle Store is the place to find reading material for your Kindle. You can also purchase a number of accessories and gift cards.

Kindle Devices

Within the store there are a number of devices available, from Amazon's original wireless Kindle to the latest designs, including the Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device.

Kindle Accessories

If you already own a Kindle there are a number of accessories available to keep it safe and assist you with its use. These include:

* leather covers and skins in numerous colors;
* earphones;
* power adapters;
* and reading lights.

It's also possible to extend your warranty for up to two years.

Kindle eBooks

This is the main reason why most people use the Amazon Kindle Store. From thrillers, romance and graphic novels to memoirs, lifestyle and travel you'll be able to find the literature you're looking for.

Kindle Singles

This is another category available and provides a range of books including numerous new releases.

Kindle Magazines and Journals

For a monthly fee it's possible to automatically get just under 50 magazines sent wirelessly to your Kindle. The Amazon Kindle Store offers a 14 day free trial on a number of titles.

Kindle Newspapers

It's also possible to gain access to a number of worldwide newspapers, from North and South America, Europe and Asia. As with the magazines and journals, there are free trials of up to 14 days available. Otherwise, a monthly subscription fee is applicable.

Kindle Blogs

Apart from books and magazines it's possible to obtain a selection of blogs for your Kindle. Amazon offers a number with a 14 day free trial. These include:

* omnivoracious blog;
* al dente blog;
* armchair commentary blog;
* toy whimsy blog;
* chordstrike blog;
* and car lust blog.

Save money at the Amazon Kindle Store

Although it may appear that you have to spend in order to visit the Amazon Kindle Store, there are ways in which you save money if spend any at all:

* Look out for free offers. There are a number of ebooks that are available for free. These include both unknown authors and more popular options.
* As well as free book there are some $ 1 or less offers. These give you opportunity of trying out ebooks that you may not have considered before.
* It's also worth taking advantage of any free samples that might be provided. Free trials are also available for a number of magazines and newspapers allowing you to try before you buy.
* Before spending money it can be worth checking out reviews first of all. However, of course, as with most reviews it's important to remember that this is only one person's opinion.

The Amazon Kindle Store sells ebooks and subscriptions for magazines and newspapers. You can also buy a number of accessories for your Kindle including covers and headphones.

The Amazon Kindle Store offers a range of literature and accessories for your Kindle. These range in price and many editions even offer free samples or trials so you can be sure of what it is before you spend any money.

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Free Gift Cards With No Participation Required Are Available Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:43:53 +0000 Not everyone is a fan of filling out surveys to acquire gift cards. Yes, those online gift cards look like a great deal but providing personal information is a survey is a turn off to some. That is why they look for free gift cards with no participation required. Thankfully, there are options that these […]

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Not everyone is a fan of filling out surveys to acquire gift cards. Yes, those online gift cards look like a great deal but providing personal information is a survey is a turn off to some. That is why they look for free gift cards with no participation required. Thankfully, there are options that these folks can explore as gift cards can be offered as promotional items in a number of ways.

For example, banks are known for giving out gift cards when you open a checking or savings account. Credit cards that come with rewards programs also are famous for issuing such gift cards as well. Then again, you could also receive such a card as a gift from a friend or relative. That would require the least participation of all!

The mere fact that there are alternatives to participate on ventures such as surveys shows the value these cards represent. There are valuable and viable means of acquiring merchandise for free. This is why so many people’s interest is drawn to them. Of course, some may not be interested in an online gift card that require a lot of participation to acquire. They just do not have the time for the steps involved.

One word of caution though: those that opt not to participate in ventures where they can earn a free gift card might very well be losing out on a number of good deals. No one can go through life without purchasing its needed essentials. Why not purchase those essentials through a gift card? All it takes is a few minutes of minor participation.

All in all, the more participation the easier to get the card you want. However, there are opportunities with no participation required but when it sounds to good to be truth it is going to be a little more difficult to get one because at the end of the day someones has to pay, doesn’t it?

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Free Gift Cards No Surveys – How Do I Get One? Tue, 14 Nov 2017 03:00:13 +0000 Everyone loves a gift card, but not everyone is willing to participate with online market research. Rather than taking surveys, there are other ways to secure yourself a nifty gift card by employing a little creativity and keeping a watchful eye for promotions. One great resource for getting free gift cards is to register with […]

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Everyone loves a gift card, but not everyone is willing to participate with online market research. Rather than taking surveys, there are other ways to secure yourself a nifty gift card by employing a little creativity and keeping a watchful eye for promotions.

One great resource for getting free gift cards is to register with online game sites that participate with regular giveaways. You need to register with a site that earns you points or tokens to be redeemed by a weekly or monthly drawing. Gift card retailers from the top game sites include all your favorite stores such as Walmart, Target and Best Buy. To locate a site that's using your favorite outlet, use the keywords: games, win, Walmart, etc.

Another source for free gift cards may be found at participating auto dealerships. If you are a serious buyer and test drive one of their cars, the trend is to say "thank you" with a free gift card for local or national services. However, your veracity may be tested by filing out a credit application or allowing them to run credit from your social security number. They have to use some discretion when giving away valuable items, so do not be offended if they ask you for minimal paperwork.

Banks are another industry that love to woo us in with gifts. Be on the lookout for special promotions for banking products that reward your interest with gift cards. The gift may be a premium for opening a savings account or applying for credit. And if the service is something you were going to buy anyway, you might as well get a free gift card in the process.

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Surprise Your Loved One With A Kindle Gift Card Sat, 11 Nov 2017 02:56:48 +0000 Getting the best gift card for the people you love has become a normal factor in the present life. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to choose the best gift card for a specific event. A kindle gift card makes your work easier by offering just what you need. This kindle card is a card that […]

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Getting the best gift card for the people you love has become a normal factor in the present life. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to choose the best gift card for a specific event. A kindle gift card makes your work easier by offering just what you need. This kindle card is a card that brands kindle on it. The surprise card can be offered in any occasions like birthday, anniversary, and weddings or even to employer or worker. It is a device that is custom-made allowing you to add any message to your recipient any time.

Once you purchase a Kindle card it becomes more economic to send such a gift. This is because you can be able to deliver an e-mail gift together with e-card greeting at absolutely no cost. This also enhances a very fast means to convey your gift due to the use of electric mail. Using a kindle gift is the most appropriate means for ensuring delivery to your recipient because you are always sure of safe delivery of the message.

Other ordinary gift cards sometimes noon out with time. If looking for a long lasting device then Kindle gift is an option for you. This is because it has no expiration since you can use it anytime you want. These cards can be used and is accepted as means of payment in many circumstances. This device is very easy to operate. All you need to do is email a fancy message to your recipient who will later find it in her / his inbox. The e-mail can be set to arrive at a certain date or time. This is a sure means to ensure delivery of your gift at the appropriate moment.

In order to purchase a kindle email gift card, you only need to have a kindle. This is an e-book that collects lots of information on newspapers and other lots of information. These gift email cards can be redeemed for many different products at their website. It is also available in different amount since you can purchase it according to your financial capability. Bulk purchase of kindle gift email cards online is available and best especially for co-operate reward programs. You can use your email gift card to buy a kindle book. It is worth considering purchasing one in order to fit in the modern technology conscious environment. Make it your way of giving gifts.

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Are the Amazon Credit Card "Rewards" Worth It? Wed, 08 Nov 2017 01:15:52 +0000 We can not seem to live without credit cards thanks to frequent traveling and some, like the Rewards Card, can be "rewarding" but users have to navigate the waters carefully because credit cards can be a "sink or swim" exercise . To keep your head above the water and to enjoy a "rewarding" high […]

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We can not seem to live without credit cards thanks to frequent traveling and some, like the Rewards Card, can be "rewarding" but users have to navigate the waters carefully because credit cards can be a "sink or swim" exercise . To keep your head above the water and to enjoy a "rewarding" high tide, we've got the low down on the Rewards Card after being a frequent credit card user.

The 411 on the Rewards Card:

The rewards card is a Visa card issued by Chase Bank. We found a competitive interest rate of 15% after enjoying a 6 months 0 interest period.

There is no annual fee for this card. There is also a 20-day grace period.

It can be used to make purchases at or anywhere that accepts Visa.

Applications for an Rewards Card:

Current details as well as an application for a credit card can be found at's main page. Applying online is easy and you can receive an answer in minutes. There is also a toll free number to call if you would rather speak to a live representative, 888-247-4080.

Examples of New Customer Incentives :

* 6 months zero interest

* Cash off of the first purchase (in our case $ 30.00)

* No transfer fees to transfer balances

In our case, we were offered all three of these incentives, which was just too good to turn down.

The Rewards:

Customers accrue reward points for using the credit card.

* Purchases made at using the card earn users 3 points per dollar.

* Other purchases earn users 1 point per dollar.

* Customers are rewarded with $ 25.00 gift certificates for every 2,500 points earned.

* Cash advances and balance transfers do not earn points.

While there are many pros to choosing an credit card, there are also some users should be aware of.

The cons include that users report inconsistent customer service if there's a problem. Another con is that there are huge penalties for late payments. The 15% interest rate can jump to up to 30% if you make a late payment in addition to late payment fees. Also watch out for the over the limit fee which is $ 35.00. If you're not careful about making payments on time, the fees will quickly overtake any rewards that you have coming.

Overall this card is recommended as being credit card options that can be very "rewarding" if all payments are made on time. Frequent shoppers can quickly reel in rewards with this credit card and with an gift certificate you really can reward yourself with just about any treat you desire.

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How Can Gift Cards Sell For Over Their Value Sat, 04 Nov 2017 20:30:38 +0000 Here is a common question, appearing in many formats. One version runs as follows: I see Amazon gift cards on eBay right now that are selling for more than the value of the card. Why is this? l don’t get it. If I go to the Amazon web site, I pay the card’s face value […]

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Here is a common question, appearing in many formats. One version runs as follows: I see Amazon gift cards on eBay right now that are selling for more than the value of the card. Why is this? l don’t get it. If I go to the Amazon web site, I pay the card’s face value to buy a gift card. If I go to Wal-Mart, I pay ten dollars for a ten dollar card, so I don’t understand why people will pay a premium on eBay, and buy the same card for over its value?

This has me stumped. I know of people donating their gift cards for disadvantaged kids, and I know of people buying their gift cards on the cheap from the second-hand market. (The websites Plastic Jungle, ABC Gift Cards and CardCash, among others, spring to mind.) But for people to pay out more than the value of the gift card? Hey, we can really make it big! We can sell our $20 gift cards for $25, then buy a $25 one and sell for $30 and before you know it, we will be looking into some nice beachfront property. Something tells me this ain’t for real…

My Theory:

Let me suggest my theory. It’s not fancy nor does it dabble in conspiracies, but it’s all I came up with; Perhaps these bidders are using automatic software that ups the bid. It could be that they are in cahoots with the seller, or that they ARE the seller, and their object is to maximize the bidding. However since the automated software cannot differentiate between some object of indeterminate value and a gift card with an obviously limited value, this ridiculous scenario ensues.

What Happens When these Guys Win?

The question in my mind is what happens when they win the auction, and win it they certainly will, – because no one in their right mind will outbid them – do they need to pay what they bid? Is this perhaps a business model; Buy gift cards in low demand and resell it on eBay for the full face value or more?


Rolling up my sleeves, I tried to get to the bottom of this. I found that it’s common that gift cards sell for over their value. And that the reasons are both legitimate and non legitimate. A good reason can be someone too lazy to go out to a store. They will overpay to save on the gas costs and the bother. Other people want to get the money out of an account that does not allow them easy access. A PayPal account that has no bank account attached is a good example of someone who might use gift cards as a way of extracting their money from their account.

Less legit is that drug runners and terrorist groups looking for ways to transfer money incognito will use gift cards – ten thousand dollars’ worth at a time – as a harmless-seeming venue to do so. They will buy up these cards as a monetary vehicle. At the border the officials might ask you how much money you have with you, but do they investigate the gift cards in your wallet? And they will pay a premium if need be, to be able to get the transfer.

What is especially unsettling is the scammer schemes. Some people will bid $120 on a $100 gift card because they never intend to pay. They will put in a valid credit card, and claim either to never have received the card or that is had been used up already. eBay will typically refund the buyer. Now the buyer has the goods, and there is little you can do to prove that the card you shipped was unused.

What To Do:

What can you do about this? In essence, the eBay experience is predicated on trust. If a buyer or seller abuses their position, they will lose the ability to trade on that platform. Therefore, you need to examine if the person would care about that. Look at the amount of feedback the buyer has and if it is all positive. If they have done business a while on eBay they are less likely to jeopardize their ratings for a few bucks. In addition, their good track record also supports the trust you can have in them. Someone new overbidding, however, is suspect. Also, try getting eBay insurance to cover a chargeback, and implement as many security mechanisms as they afford you.

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Buy E Gift Cards Online For Convenience and Pleasure Wed, 01 Nov 2017 20:29:16 +0000 When it comes to purchasing e gift cards online, or for that matter asking for an e gift card online, the first online site that comes to mind is There is nothing more satisfying than to receive or buy e gift cards online from this company. Their process is user-friendly, and affords everyone who […]

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When it comes to purchasing e gift cards online, or for that matter asking for an e gift card online, the first online site that comes to mind is There is nothing more satisfying than to receive or buy e gift cards online from this company. Their process is user-friendly, and affords everyone who receives this e gift the opportunity to purchase anything from their incredibly large inventory of products; ranging literally from soup to nuts.

How does one buy e gift cards online? In the case of, simply go to their website and click on gift certificates. You can buy an e gift card anywhere from $5.00 to $5000.00. Furthermore, you can customize the e card with a message, and either sends it via email or with an e-card using regular mail service. gift certificates can be used to purchase almost anything in their store, including most items sold by Marketplace sellers and Amazon Merchants. Here is a little background on how the process works.

When you enter the certificate’s claim code for the first time, the certificate is automatically redeemed onto your account, and this information is logged into our database, even if you don’t place an order at that time. After you have entered the claim code once, you do not need to enter it again–even if you back up and change other information in the course of placing your order. If you receive an error message that the gift certificate has been redeemed, and the funds are not being applied to your order, it could be that you have more than one account, and that the funds are redeemed to one of your other accounts.

Gift certificates and unused portions of gift certificates should be spent within 18 months from the date of issuance, which is the listed as the spend by date included on the gift certificate. Gift certificate holders will be given an additional 6-month grace period to spend their gift certificates, and gift certificates and unused portions of gift certificates will expire two years from the date of issuance, which is the expires date included on the gift certificate.

It is also important to note once you buy e gift cards online through, they are not redeemable for cash and cannot be returned for a cash refund, except to the extent required by law. Any unused balance will be placed in the recipient’s gift certificate account, and is not transferable. The original expiration date will apply to any unused balance. Be assured, once you buy e gift cards online, you may not choose any other method.

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Free Gift Cards, No Participation Required – Simple Way to Get $1000 Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:47:05 +0000 Free gift cards with no participation are now available online. Not everyone enjoys filling out simple surveys to obtain a freebie. It might be of great deal but some people don’t like spending time on answering questions. They feel that giving out their personal information online is a bit risky. Thankfully, there are other promotion […]

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Free gift cards with no participation are now available online. Not everyone enjoys filling out simple surveys to obtain a freebie. It might be of great deal but some people don’t like spending time on answering questions. They feel that giving out their personal information online is a bit risky. Thankfully, there are other promotion methods that you can explore to receive free items online. I have seen commercials where you are rewarded a free $25 gift card when opening a new bank account. This is what you call of referral. All you have to do is refer a friend or family member to apply to the bank. This is one promotion that requires little participation.

It is a fact that to participate in surveys is a task that will take no more than 15 minutes. If you don’t want to take any actions I suggest looking for promotions that require no participation. There are promotions that allow you to receive a free gift card by just referring people. In many cases, to obtain a freebie online you must participate. This is the safest and simplest way to receive your gift. Yes, there are opportunities with no participation required but may be difficult to acquire. If it sounds too good to be true then it is probably not worth it.

Here is what to look for when applying for a gift card that no participation is required. Most of these websites will only ask you for your e-mail address. This process is to see if you are eligible and to make sure you are not a robot. A confirmation will be sent to your e-mail address in order to confirm your free gift card. Once that is complete, it takes 3 to 7 days to receive your reward.

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Gift Ideas For Mom Accessible Through The Web Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:45:18 +0000 Almost everyone is rushing to prepare and plan for the Christmas season. Time seems to be running short when you have a lot of things to do and so little time to do it all perfectly. Planning for your Christmas gift shopping and preparation for the food makes you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. You […]

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Almost everyone is rushing to prepare and plan for the Christmas season. Time seems to be running short when you have a lot of things to do and so little time to do it all perfectly. Planning for your Christmas gift shopping and preparation for the food makes you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. You can not seem to think that you can handle everything well. Hunting for that special gift for the special someone in your life? The Christmas list looks too long to finish. With your hectic schedule, have you considered a card this Christmas? Featuring the Amazon Gift Card! This could be the answer that you are looking for.

If you worry that giving a gift card to someone will seem impersonal and inconsiderate, you should think otherwise. On the contrary, it is being considerate when you let the person decide what he wants to get for the occasion. Giving them a special card ensures that you are not going to disappoint them with your present. The freedom to choose is such a well loved privilege. The recipient of the gift will most certainly appreciate the gesture and the message of such a gift.

E gift cards are just similar to those plastic cards that you can get on the booth at grocery store checkout lines. Only there is no plastic involved. The gift card notification is directly emailed to the recipient. It is that simple yet effective. E gift cards are received immediately, no delays whatever. The real good news is that if you are ever in a hurry or you are almost late in sending something great, with e gift cards, you will never be late. Think of this great option. Worried that you are sending an impersonal gift? You can personalize the email greetings when you send the gift.

E gift cards are sold in increments of 20 USD. Some locations require a processing fee but it is usually very small, almost negligible. Be aware of the restrictions, rules and inform the recipient too. Much important information to inquire about are the following: can the shopper make use of them in retail stores locally, internationally or only online? Is there an expiration date for the e cards?

Consumers can purchase e gift cards like Visa, Discover, or American Express. These e cards can be used wherever those cards are accepted. Another option for you to consider is to buy store-specific cards for any online shops. Such online sites include the following:, Barnes and Noble, EB Games, Sephora, Target, ITunes … and more!

Looking for Gift Ideas for Mom this Christmas? For one of the most loved women in your life, something less than perfect simply would not do. Know what your mom exactly wants for Christmas? If not, then an e gift card could save you the worries and hassles. It could be the perfect gift, or at least it can help you give the perfect means to get the perfect gift … eventually. Modern times need modern solutions.

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Types Of Gift Card Options For The College Graduate Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:43:46 +0000 The college graduate in your life certainly describes something special on their graduation day. He or she has successfully completed a challenging program and is ready to take on the real world. Be sure to celebrate a graduate's accomplishment with a special dinner out or party, and do not forget a generous gift. Gift cards […]

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The college graduate in your life certainly describes something special on their graduation day. He or she has successfully completed a challenging program and is ready to take on the real world. Be sure to celebrate a graduate's accomplishment with a special dinner out or party, and do not forget a generous gift. Gift cards are wonderful presents for anyone graduating from college because they are so versatile. They are a great way to commemorate the occasion and give the graduate a present they are sure to use.

Let Graduates Buy What They Need

Most college graduates are strapped for cash after paying for their education. Unfortunately, entering the real world and starting a first job usually means you'll have to invest in everything from furniture for an apartment to a great interview suit. Gift cards give graduates the opportunity to get exactly what they need without dipping into their depleted checking or savings accounts.

Which Type Is Best For Graduates?

There is no single gift card that's perfect for every graduate, but you can probably narrow down the choices by considering personality, lifestyle, and their new location. If you'll be sending it to them in the mail, be sure to choose a retailer that's nationwide so they do not end up with a present they can not use after they move to their new home. Cards that can be used online are also a good choice, allowing them to shop any time and any where.

Put Money Towards A New Computer

Dell gift cards are an excellent choice as a graduation present. Sure, the graduate probably has a laptop or desk top computer, but it's been through four years of hard use and is most likely on its last legs. The life expectancy of most computers is not much more than four years simply because they become outdated so quickly. Older computers run slower and need constant upgrades to keep pace with user needs. Dell also carries printers and other computer accessories that are sure to please a college graduate. If he's been saving money towards a better system, you can put him one step closer to getting it with a Dell gift card.

Cards From Home Centers

Home Depot and Lowes gift cards are also eligible for the college graduate who is striking out on his own for the first time. He may be moving into his first apartment, condo, or home. If he's just starting out, the chances are his new place will need some tender loving care before it will be comfortable and ready for visitors. He can get anything from a can of paint and some drop cloths to a new washer and dryer at a home center store.

A home improvement center is also a great place to find essentials such as a snow shovel if he's moving to a colder climate or some new patio furniture if he's scored a job in a sunny locale. Every new renter or home owner knows that the first few weeks in a new place means several trips to a home improvement store to pick up the various items you did not realize were needed until now.

Department Store Cards

JC Penney's is a major department store where college graduates can get almost everything they need for their home as well as top quality clothing. Buying an attractive interview suit at Penney's with a gift card will take the sting out of the price tag, and she can accessorize with jewelry, shoes and a nice purse or laptop bag as well without leaving the store. One stop shopping for all the clothes she'll need, from lingerie to a warm winter coat, is sure to be appreciated.

An apartment is not really your home until you put your personal stamp on it. Cash strapped graduates may hesitate to splurge on home decor, but a JC Penney's card gives them the opportunity to buy beautiful throw pillows, framed prints and even painted candles to make their first place cozier.

Online Gift Cards

Amazon gift cards may be the most versatile gift you can give a college graduate. Your recent graduate can buy anything from books or movies to furniture or auto parts. There's no telling what the graduate will need the most, but with Amazon gift cards you can be he or she will be able to find everything they need or want. Plus, they can shop online any time day or night and have purchases shipped directly to their new home, saving precious time and money.

The flexibility of an online store card is especially nice because the recipient can decide whether it is used towards something frivolous and fun or a more practical item. Amazon gift cards can be sent on virtually anything the graduate could want or need, guaranteeing the gift will be a hit.

New grads will certainly appreciate a thoughtfully purchased card to recognize their recent educational achievement. Whether it is for a home center improvement store, or an online store, it will be a gift that will be very valued.

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Black Friday 2010 Amazon – Great Deals and Gift Card! Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:42:20 +0000 Online shopping is now a big market share especially for those going on Amazon. The event know as " Black Friday 2010 Amazon " day is set to be the start of early Christmas shopping. With the growing demand for this huge shopping event, it is also met with new and more attractive services for […]

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Online shopping is now a big market share especially for those going on Amazon. The event know as " Black Friday 2010 Amazon " day is set to be the start of early Christmas shopping. With the growing demand for this huge shopping event, it is also met with new and more attractive services for the largest online retailer. On Black Friday 2010, Amazon will display awesome deals for online consumers to save.

When the big day rolls around after Thanksgiving, it is important to know exactly where to go online and exactly what you are buying also know how much money you expect to make each product. The initial investigation begins with either looking through ads for Amazon deals or visiting the official Amazon site for the deal. Next, the optional step can be to try to earn an Amazon gift card to save even more on the deals. This can be done in two ways: first, go get the papers on Wednesday before Black Friday. Then you can find ads on the Internet. While you are at the website shopping, you can even try to save more if you have a $ 500 Amazon gift card for your future shopping expenses.

Black Friday 2010 at Amazon – Get a Gift Card As Well

Now after you found all the great list of deals at Amazon, you can save even more after Black Friday like the next shopping trip. To create your Amazon shopping list of product, you should select them based on how valuable they are. You can then sort the items by store and profitability. This should make it clear that the items will be more profitable than others. These are the deals you want to check out first. Having arranged the items based on profitability, you want to re-check the times of each sale. This will ensure you catch all sales opportunities due to different regulation. This list makes buying the best products at Amazon in one easy trip, even if it is online. If you know what you want before hand you will get there before the people who have to think about it.

Finally, as Amazon will be a high visited site on Black Friday, you can save more by qualifying to win a gift card. Market research companies are willing to reward you as an incentive just by completing surveys or testing out services that may interest to you. Therefore, many Americans will be looking to save by taking advantage of sales online Black Friday when it comes to buying Christmas gifts. If you can get the best Black Friday 2010 deals on Amazon along with qualifying for a gift card, you are way ahead of the average consumers.

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Where to Buy Gift Cards in Person – One Stop Gift Card Shopping Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:42:15 +0000 Gift cards are the perfect gift when you either just do not know what to get or simply do not have the time to shop. They also make a great present for when you already know what the recipient would like, but that person actually needs to be there when the purchase is made to […]

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Gift cards are the perfect gift when you either just do not know what to get or simply do not have the time to shop. They also make a great present for when you already know what the recipient would like, but that person actually needs to be there when the purchase is made to make sure they get the right size, etc. Thankfully, most major chain stores nowdays all have their own branded versions.

But how does that help you save time if you have to go running from one store to the next to buy all of the different cards that you need? Granted, you could just buy all of them online and print them out or have them sent via email. But that often seems impersonal. If you really want to know where to buy gift cards in person though, just keep reading. You will spend a lot less time fighting the crowds at the mall than you would think.

Fortunately there is quite an easy solution for this dilemma. Over the past several years, many drugstores and supermarkets have taken to selling more than just their own store's branded versions. So you now can get all kinds of them when you go shopping for groceries or go to pick up a prescription. Since we all have to do at least one of those things frequently, it makes your holiday shopping a lot more stress free.

So just where can you buy your favorites? Try Safeway, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Krogers, Publix, and CVS, etc. You should find a gift card rack at any of these outlets and they will feature cards in various denominations from many of the big major chains, including department stores such as Macy's, to online superstores like Amazon, restaurants such as Outback, and more.

If you still can not find just the right gift card from a particular shop, then you can always pick up a Visa or American Express gift card, which both can be used just about anywhere. Unlike the store branded cards, those will cost you an activation fee to purchase, but if you have someone who is that difficult to buy gifts for, you may not mind the extra five dollars or so.

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How to Use a Visa Gift Card at Amazon Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:40:11 +0000 Visa gift cards can be used virtually anywhere that accepts debit and credit card. You can use it to pay for your purchases which is why it is convenient gift for your relatives and loved-ones. Where Can I Buy This Card? You purchase these cards at your bank or a local store near you. Go […]

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Visa gift cards can be used virtually anywhere that accepts debit and credit card. You can use it to pay for your purchases which is why it is convenient gift for your relatives and loved-ones.

Where Can I Buy This Card?
You purchase these cards at your bank or a local store near you. Go to your back and ask a banker there if these sell these gift cards. If not, you can find them in a local store such as Wal-mart. Some drug stores also carry them as well.

This is a non-reloadable card. Once you have exhausted the amount of money in this card, you can no longer use the card. However, it is advisable that you keep it for future use.

You can use it to shop in online stores like Amazon. You can directly use the card. Just key in the information necessary such as the card number. However, other consumers suggest an easier way for you to shop in Amazon.

You just have to purchase another Visa gift card using the Visa gift card you have if you intend to use all the account for Amazon purchases. You can buy anything using this easily and have it delivered to your home. However, consumers also suggest that you keep a residual balance of one dollar so your card will not be declined.

It is imperative that you keep track of how much you are spending. Have a pen and paper ready and make sure you jot down the amount of money you are spending so you know when the card has insufficient funds.

Once you have exhausted your card, do not throw it away yet. In case your products arrived and you find it faulty, you can always have it replaced or have a refund. In which case, you will have to use your card again. If it is a refund, it will take a maximum of seven days to have your refund transferred to your card.

This is really a fuss free way of shopping. You would think that shopping in Amazon is easy enough as it is but there is actually an even more convenient method.

Make sure you prepare for the holiday seasons ahead by purchasing Visa gift card. You will no longer have to rack your brain for gift ideas and the person you are giving it to will surely appreciate the fact that they can purchase anything they want.

Source by Alan Cassidy

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How to Get Free Amazon Online Gift Cards Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:38:04 +0000 How many times have you clicked on a link that offered ‘free online gift card’, only to find that ‘free’ really meant that you must accept certain offers? The process always entails the purchase of a product or paid subscription to a service. Offers like that do not qualify as ‘free’ because somehow money is […]

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How many times have you clicked on a link that offered ‘free online gift card’, only to find that ‘free’ really meant that you must accept certain offers? The process always entails the purchase of a product or paid subscription to a service. Offers like that do not qualify as ‘free’ because somehow money is paid out. Is it possible to get gift cards or certificates without spending money. Yes, and here are several ways. Let’s look at Amazon, a major online merchandiser. Would you like to get freebies from Amazon? Here’s how.

Amazon Associates Program:

If you manage a website or blog at, you can allow Amazon to place advertisements on your blog or website. When readers click the Amazon ads and purchase products, you will earn a percent of the sales. When your referrals reach $10 Amazon will issue you a credit certificate good toward merchandise at their store. The effort on your part is to fill out a form explaining the content of your blog, and then add widgets from the Blogger directory onto your blog. The more referrals that you make to Amazon, the higher sales percentage that you make, up to 15%. The Associates Program tailors product offers to the content of your blog or website. You can also place music Mp3s on your website or blog, to show visitors what music is available at Amazon. Another widget showcases Amazon’s Gold Box Deals, Lightening Deals and Daily Deals. Website viewers can see what the daily specials are and how many are left at that price.

Amazon Rewards Program:

This online store offers a Visa Card option through Chase Bank. Offers vary, but usually you will receive a $25 gift card just for opening an account. If you open an Amazon credit card, reward points accumulate at 2-3 points per dollar spent at and 1 point per dollar for purchases made at other retailers. 2500 points earns you a $25 reward voucher redeemable at their online website. The more purchases you make and pay for with your Visa, the more credit vouchers you receive. Pay your utilities, mortgage, rent, cell phone, internet service provider and other regular bills with your new credit card, instead of cash. If you pay your bill in full, the reward certificates are free money for you.

With a few simple steps, it is possible to get free online gift cards you just need to the due research and comparison because there are private companies that also offer this one valued at $250-500.

Source by H. Milla

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Amazon Gift Certificates – A Last Minute Gift Idea Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:36:01 +0000 Do you need a last minute gift? Maybe you forgot to purchase a gift for your friend or you were invited in a party in the last moments. The reasons may be many but the solution is one – Amazon Gift Certificates. Amazon gift certificates are considered as best giving option for various occasions like […]

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Do you need a last minute gift? Maybe you forgot to purchase a gift for your friend or you were invited in a party in the last moments. The reasons may be many but the solution is one – Amazon Gift Certificates.

Amazon gift certificates are considered as best giving option for various occasions like Christmas, Valentine day, Fathers day, Mothers day, a wedding or an anniversary etc.

Why Amazon Gifts Certificate are Famous

1. Amazon gift certificates can be used to buy almost any item sold on Amazon and their affiliate website Endless.

2. You can buy these for any amount up to $5,000.00. You can print these from home or send them by e-mail or physical mail anywhere in the world. You can also choose the occasion and design.

3. You can order up to 400 gift certificates at a time. It is useful when you have to send gifts to many persons at a time.

4. There are 3 ways you can send these:

(a) E-mail gift certificates: These generally arrive within 15 minutes of being ordered if you choose “Now” as the delivery date. If you wish, you can also specify a delivery date up to 1 year in advance of the purchase date.

(b) Print at Home gift certificates: You can print your Amazon gift card from the confirmation e-mail you receive or from the order summary in your account. Printable gift cards are usually available to print within 15 minutes of order.

(c) Paper gift certificates: These arrive in the mail 5 to 7 business days after you submit your order.

5. These gift certificates never expire.

6. There are no processing fees or monthly fees associated with the gift certificates. Some companies charge a processing fees up to 5% of order cost and monthly fees as high as $10.00/month. However Amazon does not charge any such fees.

Where to purchase Amazon Gift certificates:

The best place to purchase is amazon website. However, the following companies are also authorized resellers of Amazon Gift Cards:

Better ATM


Current Gift Cards



Greeting Bee


HD Greetings



Plastic Jungle


Moreover, if there is any problem in the process, amazon customer service is always there to help you. Amazon is the world’s largest and most trusted online retailer and their customer service is considered as the best customer service in the world.

Source by Sandeep Aggarwal

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Amazon Gift Cards – The Best Gift For Women Sun, 29 Oct 2017 19:34:04 +0000 Gift cards are restricted monetary equivalents issued by banks or retailers as an alternative to non-monetary gift. In fact,It rank as the second most popular item given as presents by the consumers in the US. It is every woman’s most wanted gift. It resemble a credit card, displaying a specific theme on its plastic card […]

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Gift cards are restricted monetary equivalents issued by banks or retailers as an alternative to non-monetary gift. In fact,It rank as the second most popular item given as presents by the consumers in the US. It is every woman’s most wanted gift.

It resemble a credit card, displaying a specific theme on its plastic card surface. It is indentified via a specific code or number. They are backed-up by an online electronic system to authorize and further secure the card.

Other types of cards are reloadable and can be used numerous times. A good example is the American Express Gift Card. Remember that this should not be swiped but should be manually encoded by the cashier if you plan to use it in a gas station.

The cards feature a magnetic strip or barcode which can be read by any electronic credit card machine. There are cards that do not have any specific value until they are already sold. This way, the cashier can input the amount specified by the customer. This is not actually stored on the card itself but onto the database cross-linked to the ID card.

This means, gift cards are not similar to the stored value cards used in various public transport systems that showcases cards with stored value as indicated by a simplified system that has no network.

Amazon Gift Cards

It can be used to purchase any item sold at and, their affiliate website. Their cards range from $5 to $5,000. Once you receive one, you need to enter the claim code on your order or you can put it under Your Account at This is then stored until you use it.

You can order pre-denominated cards by just clicking the “Add to Shopping Cart” button at the page. You can also order customized cards by first visiting the gift cards page. Afterwards, click the Buy Now button to select the type of gift card you want to buy.

Choose a design if this option is available, and then enter the desired card amount. Enter next our personalized message and your delivery information.

Click the Continue button once you are through creating your card. Sign in to your account using your e-mail address and password. Provide payment information on your purchase and clicking the Continue button. Review your order and click the Place Your Order button to complete the purchase. After this, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail about the order you placed.

Arrival of Amazon Gift Cards

E-mail gift cards arrive in your inbox promptly within 15 minutes from order. The Print at Home Gift Cards can be instantly printed once you receive the confirmation e-mail. Another option is to get it from the “order summary” in Your Account.

Paper Gift Cards are sent via regular post. It arrives in the mail approximately 5 to 7 business days after you have placed your order.

Pre-denominated Gift Cards are delivered via your preferred shipping method during checkout. It is free of charge if only within the USA.

Stores that Sell Gift Cards

In selected convenience and grocery stores in the US, Amazon cards are available at $25 and $50 increments. You can purchase them at CVS Pharmacy, Rite-Aid Drugstores, HEB Grocery and Longs Drugs, Raley’s as well as Schnuck’s, Sheetz, Scolari’s and Spartan Stores. However, Amazon cards are not sold in Arkansas, Alabama and Florida, Louisiana as well as Illinois, New Jersey, Minnesota and Utah.

Source by David Urmann

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How is the system generation working? Fri, 14 Jul 2017 07:58:33 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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