Gift cards have taken a lot of the guesswork out of the gift giving process. Before they were invented finding the perfect gift was often a worrisome task. Without you knew something very specific that the recipient liked you just had to wing it and hope for the best. This claimed in a lot of people receiving cash, which is a total impersonal, but practical, gift.

If you are buying a gift for someone, you usually know a little something about them. Knowing specific likes and dislikes is no longer required. General knowledge is enough to buy a card for any particular person.

For instance, if you know someone who is into sports and outdoor activities a card to Dick's or Academy Sports would be a good idea. They can take the card and buy whatever they need. For women, a card from a store like Bath and Body Works, Macy's, or Linen and Things would be a good idea. Places such as spa's and department stores are also options.

Restaurant cards are great gifts for people who eat lunch out every day. Anything to help save money these days is appreciated. Burger king, Olive Garden, and Chili's are places you may want to check out if this is an appropriate gift for one of your recipients.

Some other places that offer gift cards are:

o Wal-mart and Target
o Movie theaters
o Bookstores
o Grocery stores
o Building supply stores

Giving someone a card from one of the above places will appeal if they have a practical nature. It is also a good idea for a family gift. They will appreciate the fact that they can use the card in different locations and for whatever is necessary. Another advantage cards from these places offer is ease of use for online procurement.

If you wanted to, you could do your gift gift buying at one place. Wal-mart has a section full of cards for different establishments. They have restaurant cards, movie store rental cards, and even cards from other stores.

Gift cards even come with their own envelopes that are geared to certain holidays or milestones. This is just a little something extra that makes the gift more special. You can also put the card into a pretty bag for an added personal touch.

While truly personal gifts geared towards a specific interest of the recipient are best, they are not always possible. Gift cards are another option that will still show how much you care. It lets the person know you were thinking about them and their likes. That you wanted the gift to be something they would get use out of and that was versatile. The person you are buying the gift for is sure to be happy, and you've taken some of the hassle out of the gift buying process.